Anti-Radical Rejuvenation Creme with Spin Traps

Essential for healthy epithelial tissues, it coaxes the skin to re-select new cells from non-mutated cells to produce smoother, more elastic and wrinkle resistant fetal type skin cells. Recommended for very dry, ageing, sensitive and fragile skins.


Combats the negative effects of free radicals to preserve the qualities of youthful skin. Aids in providing a complextion that is visibly smoother with reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles.


An advanced formula for day or night time protection.
Combats the effects of external temperature variations that occur both indoors and outdoors by helping combat water loss. Also rejuvenates the skin.
A rich emollient crème with special ingredients to soothe fragile and very dry skins.
Allows the skin to benefit from the positive effects of daylight while minimizing the visible consequences of free radicals on the skin.
Reverses the negative effects of free radicals, preserving the qualities of youthful skin. Lines and wrinkles appear diminished; the complexion is visibly smoother, skin is more moisturised.
Apply in the morning to charge the skin with soft youthfulness, ideal for dry skin during the day. Apply at night to help recover, repair and rejuvenate.



4 × 4 × 11.5 cm


For best results

For very dry, ageing, sensitive and fragile skins. For best results combine with other anti-radical products in scrubs, toners, eye care and sun protection. Apply in the morning to charge the skin with soft youthfulness, ideal for dry skin during the day. Apply at night to help recover, repair and rejuvenate.

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