Laser Hair Removal

The Most Effective and Fastest Diode Laser Hair Removal

Not all lasers are the same! Contrary to popular belief, laser hair removal technologies are not all the same and are continuously evolving, just like any other technology. What may have been considered the best laser technology a couple of years ago is likely now outdated. Many clinics are still using older lasers and some are using second hand lasers in order to reduce their costs.

Our Laser technology is the newest and fastest laser hair removal treatment available. With this technology we can provide faster more effective laser hair removal giving our clients more savings in the long run.

Effective laser hair removal depends upon two things:

  • The wavelength of the laser and
  • The fluence of energy delivered to the hair

The Diode laser wavelength is the gold standard in laser hair removal as it has been scientifically proven to be optimal for all skin types unlike alexandrite lasers that are unable to treat dark or tanned skins.

Laser Hair Removal and Vascular Treatments with Nd:YAG

The Clinical Nd:YAG Laser selectively targets hairs in the anagen phase and completely destroys the follicular structure, including its feeder vessels. This is the best up-to-date solution for Permanent Hair Reduction. Treats all skin colours including dark and all hair colours including some blondes. (Does not treat white hairs).

Our IPL Hair Removal Treatment

This Intensive Pulse Light energy absorbed by the hair travels the length of the follicle to the roots where damage to the Dermal Papilla is the treatment target. The Intensive Pulse Light or IPL Hair Removal Treatment works by flashing light into the deeper layers, heating the hair follicle and causing enough damage to destroy it. Grey and blonde hairs need more treatments but with the two treatment heads available, all hair and skin types can be treated effectively.

With the options of Diode, Nd:YAG and IPL hair removal we are able to treat all skin types, hair colours and areas of the body effectively

Cryolipolysis Cool Sculpting

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